Ace Inst Cld Com
Single use. Helps stop pain and swelling fast. Good for emergency first-aid treatment. Immediate, single use cold application without the drippy mess of ice cubes. Relives pain. reduces swelling. Speeds recovery. Convenient. Needs no refrigeration. Can be used immediately- Wherever you are, whenever you need it. Portable. Easy to carry with you for: Hiking, Camping. Sports. Effective Emergency First Aid for: Sprains. Insect Bites. Toothaches. Strains. Bumps and bruises. Simple headaches. ACE Brand sports medicine products are designed to provide you with the optimal support to provide you with the optimal support you need while assuring proper fit and comfort. ACE Brand offers a full line of braces, bandages, sports tape and hot & cold therapy products to help treat and support weal muscles, tendons and ligaments and to help reduce the chance of injury recurrence. The ACE trademark is your assurance of superior quality, sports tape and comfort. Important: Please see gel-pack for detailed instructions. Made in U.S.A.